Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kate-kate at one week!

I cannot believe that my baby girl is one week old. It has been quite a week. She is an excellent sleeper--we are usually only up once per night. She is going about 3-4 hours between feedings. Eating has been a challenge for us to figure out. We have decided...after a LONG few days to switch completely to pumping and feeding her with a bottle. With two little ones, it is much easier for me to be on a more "scheduled" feeding routine than Kate is on right now...kinda hard to let go of the idea of nursing, but I feel like at least she's getting the benefits, while I maintain my sanity! Our feeding sessions were taking up to an hour at a time, whereas with pumping (5 minutes) and bottle feeding (10 minutes) I am able to give more attention to the other little ones...especially with Joe heading back to work! Kate is VERY alert and quite a mover and a shaker. It is hard to get a still picture of her...
...Maddie and Jack are continuing to adjust. Jack wants to be held (by me) a lot more lately and Maddie is very emotional still (about everything). I am trying to give them lots of attention, while giving Kate the attention she needs, too. As with Jack, I feel that Kate is getting "the short end of the stick" right she is often waiting for me while I take care of the "big" kids. Sometimes I wish that I could just sit and hold her all day long, like I did with Maddie when she was a newborn, but that is simply not possible with others who need me, too. All things considered, we are doing very well. My house is a disaster and I feel that things are quite chaotic, but I am actually okay with that right now:). Joe is heading back to work tomorrow...and will work for two days and then be off for the rest of the week. I am praying for a lot of strength to handle all three under three alone for the LONG two days ahead.


Jo said...

Katelyn is precious. I think she reminds me of Joe. Glad you guys have found a feeding system that works well for everyone! I'll be praying for you tomorrow.
Maddie is so cute in her soccer uniform!
love and miss you! jo

Keri Harrison said...

1-week already???

Pam said...

Praying your day is going well today! I think your older 2 are still on a good nap schedule, correct? I used to spend the nap time of our older 2 admiring our #3. Since our #2 was just 12 months old at the time, he still took 2 naps a day. During his morning nap I focused on our oldest, and during his and her afternoon nap I did baby admiration. I was worried at first about how to juggle everyone's needs, but God worked it out beautifully. Praying He will give you creative ideas and STRENGTH to find what works for you!

I am so proud of you for not caring that your house is a disaster. Yay! And also that you found time to post pics! :-) Maddie as adorable in her soccer uniform!

votemom said...

i can't believe you are actually blogging - way to go!

kate is gorgeous!!!!!