Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Things I did this weekend:

1. Made dinner for friends
2. Had friends over and played games with them and my husband--laughed SO hard, they were all nervous that the baby would pop out...don't I wish!
3. Cleaned up from dinner with friends
4. Woke up early
5. Did 7 loads of laundry
6. Cleaned all of my recent garage sale/mom2mom sale purchases and put them into place (Maddie's new kitchen, little boy's tool bench, little tikes table and chairs, etc...)
7. Cleaned and learned how to use my double stroller (thanks to a very generous friend)
8. Installed the infant carrier in my van
9. Cleaned the garage with my husband
10. Weeded our front and back garden areas
11. Ordered a glider for the baby's room
12. Went to Panera for breakfast
13. Went to a local subdivision garage sale (spent $2.75)
14. Went to Sam's Club
15. Bossed hubby around for a while
16. Thanked hubby for being so understanding and letting me boss him around
17. Slept for over 6 hours both nights!!
18. Plucked eyebrows
19. Painted toenails
20. Made dinner for my parents and sisters
21. Had parents and sisters over
22. Cleaned up from dinner
23. Went for a walk with hubby and Maddie
24. Asked hubby to plant mums at 7:30pm with mosquitos out--he did
25. Played with Maddie--a LOT!
26. Had an hour home alone!
27. Made a meal for a family with a new baby
28. Made breakfast with hubby
29. Put away ALL clean laundry
30. Prayed a lot for my new baby

I have been going full-force, non-stop since Friday. Joe was sure we would have a baby this weekend...but, no...I am just crazy! I feel SO ready now and on top of everything. It is a great place to be. I also feel very at peace that my little guy will come in God's timing (which I selfishly hope is soon). I am definately not as worried as I have been. I go to the dr. tomorrow (I will be 39 weeks, 3 days)...we shall see what they plan to do. I am guessing that I will be scheduled to come in again on Monday (the day after my due date) and have a date scheduled for induction...provided he does not come earlier than that. Maddie also has a dr. appt tomorrow...the poor little thing is waking up every night coughing, still. We are trying allergy medicine today to see if it helps...but, if not, in we go! I pray that she is not sick...

Well, this sums up my weekend in a nutshell!


Pam said...

Oh my goodness, what a busy weekend you had! You need to REST, girl! I hope you laid around alot yesterday and today.

I'm so glad you feel ready, and even more glad that you are at peace and not anxious about the delivery. Thank the Lord.

Your little boy will be here SO SOON! I know each day is hard at the very end, but it's so exciting to wake up each morning and think, "today could be the day!"

Praying for you and your sweet baby as he makes ready to join us.

votemom said...

talk about some power-nesting! whoa!

yay for feeling prepared and organized.