Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The first few days...

Maddie is starting to like Jack more, I think. Here she is giving him his "paci." He is sleeping peacefully and kept pursing his lips, but it allowed her to "help" and she got closer to him that she has been...

Jack got his first bath at home...and it went as expected!

Our little man, up close and so cute...Our two little munchkins...we cannot get over how much bigger Maddie seems now... Sweet baby boy...
My two favorite guys...So, we are all doing pretty well. Maddie has had a VERY hard time adjusting to my attention being divided. She has been very fussy and has thrown many more fits than usual. She only wants me to hold her and she is especially clingy at night. Today, Tuesday, has been the best day so far. She has played a LOT on her own and is allowing me to leave the room without too much trouble. This was my first day home alone with both kiddos and it has gone really well...and Daddy is due home in an hour! I am very thankful for my two little ones and pray that tomorrow goes well, too. Joe has the rest of the week off, after that...yippee!

I cannot get over how much differently I feel about my son than my daughter...I love them both so much, but it is so different. It is an amazing thing, and an awesome responsibility...the capacity God gives us to love our kids, but each in their own way...I love this feeling!


Perpy said...

Congratulations, Marie and Joe! I saw on the Franklin blog a comment from Maddie and Jack's mom, and so I checked your blog for news! What great news! A perfect little family! I know you are busy, but before you know it, they will be in school!! Horrid thought, isn't it! Hope all goes well. So happy for you!

Patsy Franklin
(otherwise known as Perpy)

votemom said...

i'm so happy to see an update. have you had more time alone with just the four of you? how are you feeling??

i want to come visit, but am getting over a rotten cold. there's plenty of time, i don't want to rush in too soon either.

i'm looking forward to meeting mr. jack!

Pam said...

I'm glad Tuesday went so well, and trust that today (Wed) did as well. You've rocked Maddie's world, so of course she's going to need time to adjust! I remember vividly how difficult it was, emotionally, to go from one to two. I just felt so divided for the first 4-6 weeks or so. I loved it, but it was hard. It was much easier to add a third (and fourth, and fifth).

Praying for a continued good transition! Love the pics!!