Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Quick Update

Hi Friends!

As you all have probably guessed, I don't make it to the computer as much as I used to! I actually had 100 emails in my inbox--all that needed responses of some sort. Jack naps in our computer room, so that takes up a lot of my potential computer time.

Anyhow, we are doing pretty well. I am working VERY hard to find the joy in each day and take each moment in stride--it seems to be working quite well. This week has been good. Maddie learned to say "Yes!" Praise the LORD! She also nods, walks backwards and spins around in a circle to make herself dizzy! Another of her favorite words is coat, however she says coaK. She is a little version of me...she follows me everywhere and is always wanting things to be perfect. She closes drawers and doors that I may miss and she notices when ANYTHING is out of place and she cannot function until it is fixed. Yesterday she literally made me push my dresser drawer in all the way, as it was cracked a TINY bit. She is a hoot!

Jack is getting SO big...he is over a month old now. He smiles quite a bit and is a LOT less fussy, most days. He has started sleeping from 8pm-4am...which is a HUGE blessing. Although with the time change, both kids are up at about 6ish each morning which is WAY too early for we are working on that. Jack loves to look at faces and his sister loves to shake her toys at him to see if he will look. He really is a sweet little guy. He still ONLY wants me when he is tired and loves to snuggle up and fall asleep on me. He is not a really cuddly boy unless he is extremely tired. He actually pushes away a lot and likes to be out seeing things...

Joe is working really hard, as always...and his hours have increased back to pre-Jack days. I am selfish and want him home more, but that's life!

I will post pics soon!


Pam said...

I'm so glad things are going well, Jack is sleeping longer at night, and you are feeling good. You looked wonderful on Sunday!

Your children are so cute and sweet and precious.

votemom said...

i'm so glad to read an update. keep giving thanks and He will bless with joy. a truth i am trying to remember myself some days.

hang in there friend. (and J and i will see you monday, Lord willing!)

votemom said...

miss you.

kiss those babies on the neck for me ;o)