Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Okay, I seriously have not downloaded pictures from my camera since February. Insane, I know. So, here are a few that I have not posted, yet. I will post more later.

Our life is pretty great right now. All of the "school year" activities (MOPS, Bible study, etc...) have pretty much wrapped up for the summer. I enjoy the break, but I do miss the routine. Although, my activities for fall are already building I will do my best to enjoy time off this summer.

The kids are getting so big. My Maddie turns 2, 2 weeks from today. I am amazed by her everyday. I cannot believe that I have a 2-year old! We are having a "Very Hungry Caterpillar" party--it is her favorite book. It will be a VERY small party this year.

Jack is almost 8 months old...and is sitting up like a pro. He wants to crawl SO badly and is getting very close, I think. He spins around in circles and can scoot all over the room. He smiles all day and just loves to be around his family. He is such a cutie pie.

Joe and I have begun working out (again). I used to LOVE it when I was in college and when I go consistently, I really feel so much better. I have not been in over a week because of our little vacation, but I plan to start back this afternoon. We will see how that goes. I will probably not be able to walk by tomorrow. Joe is traveling a LOT over the next month. I hate when he travels. I really do. But, I am trying to be very supportive, as I know he does not like it much, either. We will try to keep ourselves busy.

My friend is in labor right now and I have been talking to her since yesterday morning during the various phases of it. It makes me want to do it again. I love having babies. Joe calls me a "Dugger." She is the woman who has 17 children and one on the way...I am hardly there!

My brain has been a little melancholy over the past few days. I am thinking a LOT, which is sometimes bad for someone like me. I can get into pits of wishing some things in my life were different and falling into a cycle of wanting what others seem to have. I don't envy material possessions, at goes deeper than that. I am really working on that right now. I truly want to be joyful in MY life, with where God has placed me and the people that He has given to me. I don't want to spend my time wondering "what if" or "If only I had..." I know that it is a total waste of time....but, in my mind, it is so challenging to not go there. So, I will pray, and pray, and pray. God is so good. I look back over my life and just marvel at what He has done for me. I cannot imagine life without. If you think of me, please pray that I can focus on all of the GOOD I have, and not wish for the things that I think I am missing out on.

Well, there is my catch-up for now. I will try to be better at posting sooner next time!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Great update! Thanks for sharing. I will pray that you will experience deep, abiding contentment with the specific life God has given YOU, and the activities He has called YOU to. I think that is a tough one for most women at various times in their lives. I'm so thankful He brought you through a stressful week!