Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You have to laugh!

So, last night went just like the night before, except Joe was home...and he was frustrated, too. However, as I was getting Maddie out of the bathtub...we brushed her teeth and I let her run around in her hooded towel for a minute, because it is so cute. Joe looked out of Jack's room (which he was putting the finishing touches on) and he said, "Oh, no! She's peeing!" I ran out and saw a huge puddle underneath her. She was a bit in shock, I think. We both had to laugh!

Later Joe told me how hard it was, even for the few hours he is with the kids not to get overwhelmed and frustrated...he said that anyone would get frustrated/overwhelmed with 2 under 16 months. That made me feel better. He also told me I was a good mom. I like that.

Jack slept from 10:30pm-4:30am this morning and then went back to sleep after eating until 7:30am. That was a GREAT thing! I will take that from now on, please...until we can go from 8pm-8am...oh, how I love those days!

We will be in our pj's all day here today. That was my big decision for today...


votemom said...

i'm really happy to read this. i'm really happy.

FYI: i cannot even begin to imagine having two under 16 months.
apparently God agreed. you'll notice how far He spaced out our kids. and you'll also notice He didn't give us our TWO add-ons until they were already sleeping thru the night!

KrashtieC said...

Okay girly! I didn't know Jack was even here yet! Jackson Joseph - AWESOME NAME! :-)

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

He is just precious and so are the pictures of Maddie!

I feel for you and can totally empathize with you as you struggle with two that are so close together as Haley and Kaitlyn were 16 months apart. It DOES get easier! :-) The first few months are the hardest on you and on everyone. We need one of our "girls night out" soon so we can gain our collective sanity!

Take care Marie! Hi to Joe and the kids!
K. Clum