Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I know, I know...

...I need to update. I am feeling less inclined to be on the computer these days. I don't know why...but I guess it is because I am constantly having to get up to get Jack, or redirect Maddie, or something else. I will post new pictures soon, but in the mean time, here's a brief update:

Maddie is now 22 months old (well, she will be next week). I cannot believe that she will be 2 in 2 months! She says just about every word now. She talks all day long and will pretty much repeat everything. She is learning her letters, and knows about half of them by sight and sound. She can count to 10 and is learning her colors, too. Her favorite, it seems, is purple (or Puple, as she says). She sings lots of songs and just loves to read. She has memorized many of her favorite books and often "reads" them to me. She loves to color (coder) and play with playdoh. The potty thing is hit or miss these days. It depends on her mood. We began bribing with cookies, a treat, and sticker, but so far, that has only worked once. Her latest discovery is that she can open and close doors. She also says, "I need mommy." That melts me, and she knows it! Maddie adores her brother and is so cute with him. She "mommies" him constantly by repeating whatever I say to him and trying to "diagnose" his cries.

My little Jack will turn 6 months old next week! Time just flies. Our latest learning experience is his new eating schedule. He has decided that he prefers eating in the dark, quiet house (translated: 3 AM). So, he plays with his bottle all day, eating a few ounces here and there...but in the wee hours of the morning, he can guzzle 6-8 ounces in 5 minutes flat. I am not so in love with this new phase, but I do enjoy seeing my little guy's smiling face, even in the dark. Jack has learned to roll over and pretty much does that all day long. We don't often find him on his back, anymore, he is usually posing in his "superman" position. I loves to grab everything and put it in his mouth. He is quite a drooler...and still a spitter. He is eating all baby foods, and likes fruit best (who can blame the guy--those veggies are gross!). He is a true "Mommy's boy," he already has me completely hooked.

Joe is working a bazillion hours, as always...and is thinking about going to graduate school (a choice that I am in favor of). He is a terrific daddy and the kids just love him to pieces. He is going turkey hunting at the end of April and is excited about that...

I am working on spring cleaning the house from top to bottom, literally. I have had the house torn apart for a few weeks now and am in a "get rid of" phase. It feels so good to be giving things away or getting things ready for our neighborhood garage sale (in August). I am feeling a deep need to declutter and simplify. I am also working on watching MUCH less tv (thanks to a wonderful talk from MOPS last week on the Media, and how it affects us and our children). I guess, while I am spring cleaning the house, I am also trying to spring clean myself, too. I am working on making a lot of far, by the grace of God, things are going pretty well. I am feeling really positive about the changes that I am making and pray that they continue. If you think of it, please pray that I can focus on what I need to do and that I can stay faithful to working on the things that I feel God is leading me to. God is showing Himself to me so much lately and I feel so blessed.

He is Risen. He is Risen, indeed! Praise God.


votemom said...

it's soooooooooooo great to read an update!

way to go on being intentional about the tv - with His help, you can make permanant changes!

graduate school with two little ones... we did that. wasn't easy, but we made it. i will certainly know how to pray for you my friend.

btw, you looked very, very pretty (and skinny) last sunday in your easter dress!

Anonymous said...

I was interested to read your blog. As a parent you may be interested in being part of a university study I'm involved with. It’s about how infants and children develop. It wouldn’t take much of your time, and it’s a great way to contribute to knowledge by reporting on your own experiences. For more details go to the following address after copying it into your browser window, Best wishes,Melissa

Anonymous said...

I loved reading the update (even though I'm a little late here)!! Maddie is such a sweetie and I enjoyed seeing them for a few minutes yesterday in the nursery. I love Jack's hair! I don't think you should cut it yet. :)