Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Randomness in January

So, I have come to realize how very far behind I am in blogging AND in recording precious moments in the lives of my babies. I really want to get better at keeping up on these memories...because I know that they grow SO fast. My Maddie will be THREE in a few months, Jack is talking like crazy and becoming SUCH a big boy, and our new one will be here before we know it (87 days and counting!). I am going to attempt to catch up on my photos...and hopefully do a few "looking back" blogs to get myself current. For now, here is a brief look at some of the things we did in January...

Santa brought Maddie a princess chair and Jack a "Cars" chair for tv time. They were BIG hits.
On Joe's break from work we spent a day at Great Lakes Crossing...mostly to get Grandpa Danny a birthday gift at Bass Pro shop...where Jack got to show me the bow he wants for his next birthday...This is one of my favorite Jack faces...he wants to get into trouble SO badly. This is at Grandpa's surprise birthday party. Maddie is helping Daddy make our favorite meal...Chicken Enchiladas!Maddie decided it was time to get the baby calendar updated and on the wall. She helped me get the countdown ready and she is the one to take the tag off each day. Auntie Jo made this for us when Maddie was in my tummy. This baby calendar is a BIG deal in our house right now!Maddie and Daddy played in the snow last weekend...she made snow angels... ...and blew bubbles. We cannot wait for spring to come!
In an attempt to catch up, somewhat...
Maddie is over 2 and 1/2 and is just a little lady. She LOVES to talk (all day long) in complete sentences (or paragraphs) and is constantly making us laugh with the things she comes up with. She always has a "great idea" and thinks that reading books is the best thing in the world! She especially loves Dr. Seuss right now and can almost recite "The Cat in the Hat" and "Green Eggs and Ham" from memory. She enjoys watching tv (too much), especially Barney and Toot and Puddle. I don't think we'd survive without Noggin somedays. She is a GREAT big sister...calls Jack "budder," "doodle," "chubby cheekies," and "Jaxie." Maddie cannot wait for this baby to come...she is absolutely certain that it is a little sister...we should name her Aunt Keri. As soon as the baby is born Maddie plans for me to hand "her" over and Maddie will then take care of her, "all by herself!" We shall see. She LOVES Tiny Tots and Sunday school and learning in general. She is a little prayer warrior and Joe and I often have to hold back extreme laughter at the dinner table during her 15-minute prayer sessions.
And then, there's Jack. He is 16-months of energy. Oh boy, does that little guy make me work. He is, by the way, the cutest little guy around...and we often find ourselves just staring at him and marveling at his cuteness. He loves to run, climb, and basically do anything he is not supposed to. Jack is talking SO much...he says, Momma, Dadda, Mannie (Maddie), Duk (Jack), baby, hug, kiss, nigh-nigh, eyes, hair, ears, belly, socks, shoes, hi, bye-bye, up, down, barney, cookie, milk, water, pease (please), duck-oo (thank-you), NANEN (amen...very loudly), pway (pray--as he folds his hands tight), bunny, bear, ball, paci, i-nee (I need, usually in relation to said paci), mine, no, hess (yes), and probably a million other things I am forgetting. He will almost always repeat what I say back to me (can be dangerous, at times:)). I just adore his sweet voice and want to bottle it up for all time. He reminds us to pray all of the time and, as Maddie did, makes us pray about 10 times per meal...whenever the Spirit strikes him.
We thank God all the time for our precious babies...and cannot wait to meet the next one! Thanks for indulging my "catch-up."

1 comment:

Pam said...

I loved your January randomness! So good to see pics of your beautiful children and hear what's been happening in your family. Praying for you...