Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blessed beyond words

I had a fun weekend I was going to a conference at church and then I was going to go spend tonight and all day tomorrow with my sister-in-law and aunt-in-law scrapbooking. I was truly looking forward to a nice "me" weekend...well, Jack is not feeling well and consequently has not slept much in the past few weeks, so I am one tired out momma. I, regretfully, had to decide not to go scrapbook, Jack needs me at home, especially at 3am, and I need to sleep too much to be up all much as I SO wanted to...I love hanging out with my sister-in-law...we scrapped a few weeks ago for about 14 hours straight...anyways...I had already paid to attend the I decided to go. I told myself to get through the morning and if I was too tired (or bored) I could come home early...boy was I pleasantly suprised and BLESSED!

I had the amazing privilege of hearing Kay Arthur speak. While I am beyond exhausted, I am also SO exhilirated! I cannot believe what a blessing this was to me. Kay's talk helped me to see the Old Testament in such an unbelieveable way. I have always sorta skimmed it, not really thinking that it applied much to me (silly, I know), but WOW, it has everything to with me, and us, as Christian women. I cannot wait to devour it. I have such a fresh excitement for God's word and truly feel refreshed and ready to go deeper with my God.

I will share more later...but now, I am off to read a little, and go to bed. My body is exhausted, but, PRAISE GOD, my heart and soul are on fire for Christ!


Pam said...

How fantastic! I'm glad it was so encouraging. Sounds like time very well spent. Can't wait to hear more!

votemom said...

new pictures please!