Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Another survey I like...

Where is your cell phone? on the counter.
Your significant other? at work.
Your hair? long overdue for a cut. not my best feature.
Your mother? in Heaven
Your father? wacky and lovely
Your favorite thing? comfy clothes at home during a day long, non-scary thunderstorm
Your dream last night? none
Your favorite drink? coke :(, water, and lemonade
Your dream/goal? to be a good mom, a really good mom.
The room you’re in? our office
Your ex? well i only have one ex-boyfriend... he actually died a few years ago. He was not good to me when we were together. My dad hated him.
Your fear? so many things!! Mostly not living the way I am supposed to.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? I will be 35 years old. My two kids will be 8 and 7...WOW. I hope to have several more kids underfoot, doing exactly what I am doing now, but happier, content, and wiser.
Where were you last night? at a seminar that a local church was holding--it was incredible.
What you’re not? adventurous.
Muffins? i love most muffins, warm with butter.
One of your wish list items? paint in all of the rooms of my house...right now it is mostly builder white, flat, paint.
Where you grew up? Royal Oak, and Texas for high school.
The last thing you did? give Jack a toy.
What are you wearing? a turtleneck (in May) and jeans.
Your TV? is off.
Your pets? one kitty, Abby.
Your computer? a dell which i like very much. oh, and several old ones in the basement that Joe is going to "get working."
Your life? chaotic, nuts and somewhat overwhelming...but starting to come together.
Your mood? melancholy, right now.
Missing someone? yes
Your car? 2008-Nissan Quest
Something you’re not wearing? my glasses
Favorite store? Kohl's
Your summer? home
Like someone? sure, lots of someones!
Your favorite color? pink...but not icky, pepto-pink.
When is the last time you laughed? when Maddie said, "Hey, excusey me!" to me a few minutes ago when I would not listen to her...I had to, she did not get a lesson yet on how rude that was. Then I called Joe to tell him. He and I both realize how much we say "excuse me" to her. oops.
Last time you cried? within the last few days...
Who will repost this? no idea.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I like both these surveys, you have such a caring heart! I love that about you.

And I can totally relate about not being able to get excited about working out. :-( I'll try to be a better accountability partner.